Page 48 - Jack'c Fall Catalog 2018
P. 48

Smokehouse Products                           
                                                     Your own “old-fashioned country style” smoked fi sh, bacon, ham, jerky,
          pheasant, or duck is easily and economically achieved with the  Mini Chief®, Little Chief® or Big Chief® Home Electric
          Smokehouse. Durable stamped aluminum construction, vented for popular dehydration. For outdoor use only. Each smoker
          comes ready to use with grills, heating element, electric cord, smoker chip pan, drip pan, and one bag of Hickory chips.
          Please note: these are designed as smokers, not cookers. For best results, pre-cook the meat before smoking.

        Top Load Mini Chief Smoker
        Th  ree cooking grills, 250 watt
        element, 20 lb. Capacity.  Th  e Top Load   Top Load Little Chief Smoker    Front Load Little Chief Smoker
        style enables lift -out removal of all cook-
                                               Four Cooking Grills, 250 watt element,
        ing grills.  Dimensions: 14” X 11 12  ” X 11 12  ”                          Four cooking grills, 250 watt
        JN1019166             $99.99           25 lb. Capacity. Th  e Top Load style   element, 25 lb. Capacity. Th  e Front Load
                                               enables lift -out removal of all cooking   features a removable front panel for
                                               grills.  Dimensions: 24 12  ” X 11 12  ” X 11 12  ”  easy access to cooking grills.
                                               JN1019165            $119.99         Dimensions:  24 12  ” X 11 12  ” X 11 12  ”
                                                                                    JN1019173     $119.99

      Smokehouse Insulation Blanket          Front Load Big Chief Smoker            Top Load Big Chief Smoker
      Made of space aged material, this      Five cooking grills, 400 watt element, 50   Five cooking grills, 400 watt
      insulation blanket is designed to keep   lb. Capacity. Th  e Front Load features a   element, 50 lb. Capacity. Th  e Top Load
      the heat inside your Little or Big Chief   removable front panel for easy access to   style enables lift -out removal
      smoker.  Adjustable Velcro tabs.       cooking grills. Dimensions:            of all cooking grills.
      JN1019208      $28.99                  24 12  ” X 18”X 12”                    Dimensions: 24 12  ” X 18”X 12”
                                             JN1019172     $159.99                  JN1019171     $159.99
       Chips N Chunks Wood Chips
       Each 1 34   pound bag of premium wood chips adds exceptional
       taste to any food. Chips N Chunks can also be used in stove-top
       smokers, barbecues, and grills.
       JN1019160     Alder                $4.99
       JN1019158       Apple              $4.99
       JN1019161     Cherry               $4.99
       JN1019157     Hickory              $4.99
       JN1019159     Mesquite             $4.99
                                                      We stock replacement parts for most Luhr Jensen,
       JN1019162   12 Pack Assortment     $49.99          Smokehouse, Totem, & Little Chief Smokers.
       Includes 4 Hickory, 2 Alder, 2 Apple, 2 Cherry, 2 Mesquite.    Please check our web site for the complete
       JN1019163   4 pack Assortment      $17.99
      48      Includes 2 Hickory, 1 Alder, 1 Apple.             selection, photos, & specifi cations.
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